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Our strategic approach

We work to change the trajectory of the highest emitting economic systems by defining what good looks like, spurring early adoption, and embedding change in systems that will last a lifetime.

Our strategy sharpens our focus on four transformations that will help achieve net zero in time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

1. Governance for 1.5°C

National targets and policies as well as corporate and financial sector regulations align with commitments to the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. These whole-of-economy settings enable the remaining three transformations.

2. Near zero emissions energy supply

Countries develop renewable energy sources at scale to electrify the economy and phase out fossil fuels.

3. Efficient demand and production for net zero

Energy efficiency solutions optimise and reduce energy use. Supply chains decarbonise as demand for low-carbon products shifts production from emissions intensive processes to clean alternatives.

4. Nature as a climate solution

Countries protect and grow resilient carbon sinks to optimise nature-based solutions while enhancing our natural environment.

Where we work

Our team of subject matter experts operate from Australia and Indonesia to provide country and system specific knowledge across the region to those that can enable change.

Systems in focus

Climateworks works across four physical systems of the economy that produce emissions, and three systems that enable emissions reduction.

Help pave the way to net zero

Our work only happens because of generous supporters. Join us to make net zero a reality.

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