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The cycle of change

Our end-to-end process underpins how we collaborate and design programs. We develop agenda-setting research and apply it to specific contexts to meet stakeholder needs. We then implement our findings and empower people to create change.


1. Agenda setting research

Build the case for action through evidence-rich data.

2. Applied research

Translate research into practical information, tailored to organisational needs.

3. Implementation

Work with business and policy decision-makers to enable action.

4. Engagement

Engage decision-makers and third parties to build understanding and support for action.

5. Build Capacity

Infuse our future work and the work of others with what we've learned.

Where we work

Australia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, yet the region stands to benefit as leaders in the transition to a decarbonised future. Climateworks has grown our presence in the region with country offices in Australia and Indonesia, while working with partners across Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

What is ‘systems change’?

Systems thinking acknowledges that structures – whether they be political, social or financial – are full of complexity and need to be examined as a ‘whole picture’. This can help us identify where interventions have the best chance to support change at scale, and where our efforts are best spent to support the ecosystem around us. System change also refers to the ambition for change that is systemic rather than incremental, and becomes lasting and self-reinforcing.

Driving systems change

Climateworks is working across four physical systems of the economy that produce emissions, and three systems that enable emissions reduction.

Help pave the way to net zero

Our work only happens because of generous supporters. Join us to make net zero a reality.

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